Meeting Minutes from 11 Feb Community Meeting

Meeting Minutes

Meeting Held: 11th February 2023

Location: Cooma Ex Services Club



Chair: Harry Longworth (HL)

Vice Chair: Olivier Kapetanakos (OK) – By Zoom

Secretary: Teresa Skowron (TS)

A/Secretary: Wendy Capezio (WC)

Treasurer: Michael Freeman (MF)

Ordinary Committee Members: Vele Civijovski (VC), Charles Kolarno (CK), Mick Newman (MN)


Councillor Luke Williamson-later via zoom

Monaro State Election Candidate Andrew Thaler –via zoom


Grantley Ingram –via zoom but technical issues

Association Members:

  • And a large number of registered association members who were verified against the membership register and issued with “gold plates” to identify their right to vote on matters.

General Meeting Minutes

General Meeting opened by the chair at 1400

The chairman (HL) thanked everyone for coming out on their weekend.

 Attendees were advised that the meeting was being recorded for minute taking purposes and transmitted via Zoom.

The current committee was introduced to the room.

Members were asked to accept the minutes of the previous January meeting as posted on the association website (  Minutes were accepted (2nd: MN).

Outstanding Matters from the Previous Minutes

  • Chair reported that the committee had organised a number of subcommittees but are looking for further input from association members on their requirements.  [Ongoing ]
  • Committee still working on setting up of the bank account with the action resting with the Chair. [Ongoing ]
  • A motion was previously agreed at the last meeting to invite Councillor Williamson  and he has been invited (attended and addressed the meeting later via Zoom)  [Complete ]

New Business

  • Chair thanked the team for all their efforts in raising awareness of the extraordinary council meeting and the resulting community attendance and asked how many of those in the room had attended (a number of members had).
  • Chair thanked MN for his passionate speech on the SRV made to councillors at that meeting and that his words reflected the views expressed by association members at the last meeting where members voted to oppose the 53% rate rise (option 3)
  • Chair explained the “rules for the room” as previously agreed at the last meeting

Rules for the Room

  1. “I’ll listen to you if you listen to me” – please take turns to talk and make an active effort to understand what others are saying.
  2. “Play the ball not the person” – please don’t attack other people in the room or outside it. We’re here to deal with problems, not people.
  3. “Actions speak louder than words” – What action are we/you going to take on these issues? What can we do to improve the situation?
  4. Political neutrality.  The association is politically independent and not aligned with any particular political party.

Sub Committees (Issue Action Groups)

Association sub committees (Issue Action Groups) based on priority issues of the association include:

  • Rates
  • Roads
  • Rubbish
  • RLUS
  • Demerger

Previously agreed subcommittees in operation in addition to the above include:

  • Communication and Community (ComCom)
  • IAG Administration and Coordination (Admin)
  • Other sub committees on other issues such as rubbish which VC is chair of and roads

Association members were encouraged to volunteer and assist each of the sub committees they had an interest in as these sub committees were created to enable general membership participation, not just the current association committee.

Chair asked for a show of hands of those who were interested in the Rates Issue (and a large number of the room raised their plates) to which he advised that after the closure of the general meeting we’d move into the Rates Issue Action Group meeting to talk about the rates rise.

The chair asked the meeting how many present were interested in the Rural Land Use Strategy (RLUS) and the LEP.

HS provided a quick brief on RLUS to the room and discussed the wider implications of the new LEP and the background of the Community Reference Group (CRG) of which he was a member and the input it provided to SMRC on Minimum Lots Size and RU2 zoning.

  • The meeting was reminded that they have until 20 Feb to make a submission to SMRC.
  • The current rates issue lends itself to the question of demerger since the promise of amalgamation was to save money which obviously has not happened since we’re now being asked for a rate rise.
  • Geographical specific issues should be raised with specific progress associations – in the absence of such an association in your area then please bring it up.
  • Chair Opened the Floor to the Members but no additional matters were raised.
  • General Meeting closed at 1415 hrs and moved on to the Rates Sub Committee meeting.

Rates Sub Committee Meeting Minutes

Rates sub-committee of SMRRA

OPENED at 1415 hrs.

Councillor Williamson addressed the meeting via Zoom on the Special Rates Variation (SRV).

He advised that the current situation is that SMRC have lodged an application with IPART to increase rates next year by 53% and that the vote to do so was passed with 5 to 6 although he voted against it.

Councillor Stewart then raised a rescission motion which he and Councillor  Frolich also signed. This will now be discussed at the next meeting in Bombala on Thursday.

 He asked that as many people as possible attend that meeting and share their views with councillors before the meeting.  He reminded members that they are not allowed to speak during the meeting, only at the public forum section which requires prior booking.

He advised that Councillor Stewart has proposed an alternative motion which is a rate rise of 12 percent next year and then 10 percent the next.

questions from floor invited

An association member pointed out to Councillor Williamson that having read the IPART submission by council, it fails to report that 86% of the community voted against the proposed rate rise, just that the community was consulted.

MN pointed out the recent ABC interview with IPART on the matter would be useful for those looking to understand  how the IPART review will work. He has provided the link on facebook.

Councillor Williamson provided further information on the background to the SRV.

The chair asked the meeting if they wanted a spokesperson to talk at the Bombala council meeting on Thursday.

Question: An association member asked that the issue of council funding also be raised with state election candidates. Chair responded that the question of Meet the candidates would be discussed later.

The chair at this point explained that gold plates had been provided to members so that we knew who in the audience was a member and so that it was clear to others that we had validated the membership of those who were voting.

He explained that we have done this because one of the criticisms that had been loosely levelled is that those opposing the rate rise were a small vocal minority, despite the fact that SMRRA as an association was in fact now one of the largest progress associations in the region with over 50 members (now 80).

Councillor Williamson was asked to again explain what Councillor Stewart had proposed.

Motion: question of support for the rescission motion by Councillor Stewart.

VOTE: to support the rescission motion (with one opposed).

Discussion then ensued on what position association members wanted to take on the rates rise.

The motion put to the vote was “We want to know what the money is going to be spent on.” which was unanimously agreed. (01:07:54 of the transcript)

 Other actions that could be taken over the rates issue.

Motion:to encourage the community to attend the Bombala council meeting which was carried unanimously.

Motion was put that we would advise councillors that our members had provided us with their individual views which would be available via our website.

Members were advised to submit their existing submissions or new ones to the email address or via the website contact form. They were asked to advise if they wanted their name included or not.

Meeting discussed how the rates pool works and the implication on rates and councillor Williamson provided further clarification and specifically the implication the RLUS proposed changes could have on rates burdens across the region.

The motion was then put and approved.

Councillor Williamson was farewelled at this point and thanked for his participation.

Motion: Members were asked about SMRRA running a ‘meet the candidates’ then asked what format they wanted the meet the candidates.

 Members indicated they would prefer an in person rather than online meeting and that it would be held.

Discussion: to possibly hold a meet the candidates on same day as the next meeting –March 11th at 3pm (after the SMRRA meeting)

An association member suggested that the motion be amended to include working with other associations in the region to do so.

Chair proposed a thank you letter be sent to the Cooma Ex Services for their support with the venue for the meetings and asked that association members support the venue and consider membership. (hL to do)

Chair also proposed that given the ongoing support provided by the club that we consider it for the location of the meet the candidate which was supported by the members.

Chair asked that members RSVP early so that we could determine the size room required for the event.

Chair then closed the Rates subcommittee at 1535 and moved to the RLUS subcommittee.

RLUS Sub Committee Meeting Minutes

The RLUS subcommittee meeting

 OPENED at 1535.

MF provided some context to the discussion of the benefits of association and requested members pass the word to their friends and neighbours in the community to join.

As an aside the meeting discussed how members want to be communicated with.

Chair advised that as part of the registration process their email address would be used for communication and advice on meetings etc in addition to Facebook and the website where information would also be posted.

The organisation has committed to in person meetings on a monthly basis at 2pm on the Saturday before council meetings (which are the third Thursday of the month). Committee meets at 1pm before the general meeting.

Motion: to ask SMRC to extend the consultation period another 6 months which was agreed unanimously after discussion?

Members were asked to send through their submissions on RLUS to SMRRA who would then also post them to the website for wider coverage in the same way as submissions on the rate rise.

Question was asked:  who wasn’t comfortable with using the Zoom app and about 50% of the room wasn’t. (MF volunteered to teach members as required.)

MN offered to send through his speech on RLUS to members as background info &

Further information on RLUS was provided to members and discussion ensued.

Addition info: meet the candidates after meeting at 3pm at Cooma Ex-Service Club

Meeting was closed at 16:10 hrs

NEXT MEETING: March 11th 2pm

Additional notes:

*Meet the candidates 3pm

*Committee meets at 1pm