Welcome to the Snowy Monaro Ratepayers and Residents Association

The Snowy Monaro Ratepayers and Residents Association INC (SMRRA) is a  NSW incorporated association dedicated to providing the ratepayers and residents of the Snowy Monaro with a voice.

We are not associated or aligned with any political party or organization. Further information on our organisation can be found on the about page.

We support our members in their efforts to raise Snowy Monaro Regional Council (SMRC) issues and the creation of initiatives to address them.


We need you!


SMRC ratepayers and residents can apply for membership at our regular meetings.

We encourage you to read SMRC monthly Business Papers and reach out to us if there is anything you'd like to discuss.


Public Meetings

Upcoming General Meetings:

No meeting for September 2024 as we have the
SMRC elections 14th Sept.

DATE: tba

TIME: tba


Meet The Candidates Events:

24 Aug & 31 Aug (Details TBA) Check out our Facebook Group

2024 AGM

October or November - tba


Contact Us:
